About Uniqe


Lyofil® features a number of properties that set it apart from conventional wire.

Lyofil® exhibits the strength, flexibility, and feel of Toyobo’s PBO fiber Zylon® within outer conductive metallizations. Lyofil® can be used for braided shielding, as a bare wire, or can be coated with an insulated material. In the aerospace & defense industries, over-braids created with Lyofil® exhibit performance measures unmatched by standard nickel-copper braids.

  • Light-weight: Switching to Lyofil® Fiber braided shielding can result in weight savings of up to 87%.
  • Flexible: Lyofil® Fiber behaves as a thread or yarn. It is a leading choice for applications where ease of movement and flexibility are critical.
  • Strong: Tensile strength of Lyofil® is 7 times stronger than steel.
  • Durable: Lyofil’s PBO fiber core results in superior performance in high vibration, high stress applications.
  • Compatible: Lyofil® Fiber is fully compatible with standard braiding equipment. Shielding made with Lyofil can be terminated by soldering or band connectors.
  • Shielding Performance: The textile-nature of Lyofil®contributes to an extremely effective, uniform coverage for enhanced shielding performance.

Please contact us for more information on this product.

Lyofil behaves as a thread or yarn.